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written values not getting updated in Share Point

HI, Am able to write in share point but the same is not getting updated in share point once the share point closes or navigated to some other page.   can anyone help me on this. Thanks, Bala.

Level 6
@balakrishna  Please can you share more details like how are u writing (Send keys or Write stage), where all wait stages are used ,  what all steps u are following, how it is getting updated manually.

@Narayan: manually they are simply typing and clicking on other cell or somewhere in the SharePoint then  it is getting updated.. but when it comes to bot it is  writing (Using write stage) but it is not getting updated..even I tried to click on other cell after writing the value but still not getting updated once share point navigates to other page..I had used wait stages after writing the value and then clicked on other cell but its not getting updated.   I  have other challenge in share point. search symbol is not getting clicked (spied and tried in all modes) and also tried to using  send keys (Enter key) Instead of clicking on search symbol. .but send key also not working..    

Level 6
@Bala, For your first query .. Please try writing data using Global Send key or Global send key events, that should help.It looks like web page events are activated using manual data entry, but write stage is just asssigning data to the field. I hope u dont have drop down list , if it is, u have to make  path as dynamoc for writing the data./    For search symbol not getting clicked, one thing u can try is  1.Enter value in the search box 2.wait for 0.5 sec 3.Press enter using Global send key. This key should be sent to the text box where u have entered the text to be searched. For this you need to spy the text box correctly. Make sure key is sent properly.  