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Level 6
​Would be nice if the first mode that opens would be the last one you used.  If you're spying 20 SAP fields with SAP mode, currently you have to type through to "SAP mode" 20 times
@TomCirone - For this feature, would limiting it to the session of the Object Studio be enough or would you suggest the Last Spy Mode persist for the entire session while in BP? 
Right now, I would think it would need to persist within the Object Studio only (not just App Modeler) and would be ideal if it would independently persist within each VBO Studio and not Object Studio as a whole.
Level 6
@Adam Binder I agree that it would be better to tie it to the individual object.  Either though would be an improvement--it's not that much effort to ​type through the different spying modes one time, but it becomes very annoying when you're spying 50+ fields at once.
Community Team (Retired)
Hi Tom, 

Thanks so much for submitting your idea! We are moving it into the Under Consideration status while we route the idea through our internal review process. 

We will update you as your idea moves along the lifecycle.

Thank you!