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Level 12
Status: New
We're currently at BP6.5.4 and in the process of migrating to BP6.10.5. For this migration we get to verify all our processes in 6.10 prior to go live in 6.10.

While doing so I cannot help but notice that some of the screens where in 6.5 an escape was handled as a Cancel, for the same form in 6.10, the escape is no longer Cancel and I have to divert from using the keyboard to using the mouse. While this may seem trivial to some, any change away from the mouse is welcome in my view. Specially if you're doing this full-time.

Try the calculation stage properties and press escape - it will Cancel.
Now press button 'Evaluate Expression' on the calculation stage properties and press escape - it will not Cancel in 6.10, but will Cancel in 6.5. 
There are more screens that have similar changes in behavior. 

In my view as a user of BP and as a software developer, similar forms should always have similar behavior. Any given property form should always behave as any other property form of similar type and function.

I can add that the same goes for a screen that in 6.5 did not react to an Enter, but in 6.10, the Enter is interpreted as the Ok button. This I call progress, and I would like to see more of this.

We're still at 6.10, but no doubt one day we will see the lights of BP7. I do hope that we by then are presented with a consistent way to blend mouse clicks and keyboard strikes each leading to the same and predictable result.

Happy coding!
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Level 12