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Level 6
Status: Delivered
When Blue Prism generates a message window (for example an error connecting to the server), the window does not automatically receive focus and sits behind the main BP window.

Any attempt to interact with any other Blue Prism window is blocked and a warning sound is played, but the message window is still not brought into focus. The only way to bring it into focus is to minimise all other application windows that are open one by one until the message is displayed, and then close it.

No second window is displayed in the Windows taskbar to allow you to go directly to the error message and, even worse, clicking on Blue Prism on the Windows taskbar will take you to the Blue Prism client main window, with the error message hidden behind it, even if you had previously brought that message to the foreground.

Playing 'Hunt the Error Message' is infuriating and has come up multiple times with clients during training as an annoyance.

I thought I had read that this had been fixed as an issue in a previous update releasenote, but we are on 6.9 and this issue still persists.

Please automatically bring the error message into focus when it is generated and then again whenever another BP window is clicked and the 'error' sound is played. Making the error message appear as a separate window that is selectable from the windows taskbar would also really help.
1 Comment
Status changed to: Delivered

Hello @foehl,

Thanks for taking the time to raise an idea.

We had this feedback from several other users as well and as a result we introduced an enhancement into the Blue Prism Enterprise 7.2 release that brought exception windows into focus when they appear. More information can be seen on this enhancement in the BPE 7.2 release notes under reference BP-13499.

I'm going to update this idea to Delivered as a result of this update.


