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Level 4
Status: Not Planned

​The following error message occurs in the Write stage and the Press action in the Navigate stage for an element spy in Java mode, and cannot be processed
<Error message>
Java action executing exception-Java action failed

Level 5

There is not a solution yet coming from Blue Prism for this situation.

What we are doing to solve this issue is the use Global Send Keys over the element to send each letter in order to simulate the "write action". Care must be taking when using GSK to avoid the "focus lost" or start to write some word in a unwanted application.

Hello @Tsubasa Ogawa

Thanks for taking the time to raise an idea.

This appears to me to be a bug rather than an idea for an enhancement, could you confirm whether you have raised a support ticket for this?

I'm going to mark this as Needs More Info pending your response.



Status changed to: Not Planned

Closing this idea given the amount of time it has been in Needs More Info without a response from the author or wider community.