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Status: Reviewed

Description - 
Dynamic Forms - Select box doesn't display values from mapped web service response

As per the dev console screenshot provided, it lists down the array results correctly. But for some reason, those are not displayed correctly on a select box of dynamic form.

PFA the process package and the automation service triggered from Dynamic Form. Please note that you will have to create an AWD Option PLSECQNS and its values in Admin (you can use any dummy values) as per the screenshot. Please let me know if you need more information from me.

Steps to Recreate - 
1. Created a dynamic form (PLSECQN1)
2. Created an automation service to call getOptionByWildcard soap webservice and stored the response into a custom array.
3. Mapped the automation service (which uses Data Service to get AWD Option values & descriptions) on click of custom button and the output the automation service to the Select box of the dynamic form. Attached the screenshot for reference.
4. Name of the presentation flow is DynamicFormExample with Webservices in which dynamic form is used.
5. When the process is run, the select box displayed is blank. However, I can see that web service call is being executed successfully in the dev console. Attached the screenshot for reference. (Process deployed to SAMPLEBA/SAMPLECASE)

Expected Result - 
Select box should display values from mapped web service response

Server Platform - Linux
DB - Oracle
JEE Container - JBoss

As per the dev console screenshot provided, it lists down the array results correctly. But for some reason, those are not displayed correctly on a select box of dynamic form.

Development team has triaged and able to recreate the issue and suggested to raise it as an enhancement ticket.

1 Comment
I don't think Dynamic forms has this feature.  We will bridge this gap when we implement forms designing in UX Builder