I'm in the process of re-building forms and migrating from thoughtonomy to interact. Through the design and build stage, i can't find a way to stop submissions. For example in the Thoughtonomy platform, we would have a radio button with 4 options, 2 of which we would continue with the form/journey and 2 of which would indicate that not enough information is available. If these 2 options were selected a 'text paragraph' would be presented with some help text guiding the agent in the right direction. We would also have a 'mandatory' field with its role set to hidden and another rule basically saying that if the 2 incorrect options are selected the mandatory field becomes mandatory (although still hidden). This would stop the agent submitting the case however i'm unable to replicate this in interact, as any time a field is made mandatory it becomes visible. Can a status be introduced where the rules do not override the initial state allowing us to stop submission and reduce exceptions?