In the release notes of every blue prism version you can find fixes and changes. That's fine if you want to look backwards only. But normally a release has to be kept for some time and needs a valid decision.
There is no list of open unfixed bugs and issues. But especially that list would be very helpful for platform operators to verify which version will be the next release candidate for rollout.
Example Use Case: If there were such an information about the broken Scheduler in v5.0.18 we would have skipped that version. Without the information we stepped into that trap.
😞So please publish a list with all known open issues. As minimum information it should contain the following columns:
- Unique Reference Number (ticket number or bug number or ...)
- Affected Blue Prism Version (ie: 5.0.18, ...)
- Impact to the business (for example: Scheduler unusable)
- Status [new, confirmed, fix planned (with target version/date), won't be fixed (with reason why not), fixed (with traget version), ...]
The list should be searchable and filterable.
Thanks in advance