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Level 3
Status: New
Dear team,  is it possible to add API interface to complete common BP administration activities? It could be in form of webservices interface. This will allow us to enable self-services for these actions.
Hi @KushaShetty,

While it's a bit like Inception (the movie), you can use Blue Prism to automate Blue Prism. In other words, have you considered creating an automation that works through the Blue Prism UI?

Level 11
I absolutely agree to the need of adding scripting / API support for administrative tasks in BP. 
I was told BP API (7.x) is going in this direction but I just had a look at and it is just a subset what is currently possible with CLI (with addition to manipulate workqueues).

Currently there is already exposed functions to manipulate RR, Schedules, process, ... but it is limited.
What is completely missing is the possibility to script users, permissions, access rights, session logs, ...

All those tasks have to be done manually and in a multi-environment & multi-team infrastructure this is very time consuming and error prone, and there is literally no way on verify the effective rights in a single environment and consolidate permissions across environments. 

I tried to automate BP but in our environment the process to read all user roles and permissions from all our environments and write them in Excel ran several hours. Although this should be a task done in seconds.