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Foundation Training - Consolidation exercise AMI error

Level 2
I'm having a hard time to figure out the error  "Internal : AMI error occurred in Wait Start Stage 'Wait Orders Window' on page 'Navigate Orders Menu' - Not Connected"
The navigate order menu was added in section 6.. Works like a charm from object studio, but when added to the Create Order process studio display the previous error... I added action stage to attach to CDS before the action stage to Navigate Menu with no lock, check that the orders menu window is correctly spied, etc...

Hope you guys can help me out... 



Ciao Giuseppe!

Of course! I should have noticed that. I'm sorry for missing it. 

Yes the Wait stage is needed to give the automation time for the application to fully load before trying to click or use a specific field within the application. This is pretty much standard practice whenever an object is going to access a field in an application. 

Thank you for enlightening me with the solution.

Good luck on your training.


Jack Look
Sr Product Consultant
Blue Prism