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I am trying to spy the calendar. My issue is that there is no way of uniquely identifying elements that appear twice i.e 01 appears twice the other pne is greyed. Is there a way to for blue prism to differentiate between the two without using path

Level 2

Miyelani Mashaba
RPA Developer

Level 6
Please explain in more detail what you have tried already. For instance, have you only tried HTML spy mode? Have you tried AA or UIA mode? Have you looked at the Application Navigator to see if there are any elements in the application model tree that aren't easily spied?

First suggestion that comes to mind for me though is to look at the use of the match index property and determine if that is a valid way forward for your particular circumstances.

Jared Rumball
Executive Director
Q4 Associates Ltd

Level 6
Hi Miyelani,

Please provide more detail on what you have tried so far. For instance have you only tried HTML spy mode? Have you tried AA or UIA mode also? Have you inspected the application navigator to see if there are any elements that aren't spied easily but could be useful?

First thing that comes to mind for me though would be to take a look at the match index attribute and determine if that is a valid way forward for your particular circumstances.


Jared Rumball
Executive Director
Q4 Associates Ltd


Hi Miyelani,

Calendar controls will differ in design and behaviour, and is usually determined by the technology platform they appear in. It would be helpful if you could provide the community with some information about the type of application which the calendar appears in?

Some other information which will make it easier for us to help is:

  • Spy modes you have used and the outcome of the the spy operation
  • Confirmation that you can identify each date on the calendar in spy mode (I understand the challenge you face where the number features twice)
  • Screenshots of Application Modeller window and all Attributes returned when you spy an individual date (if this is possible, then send through screenshots for a different date spied so we can compare the 2).
  • If you cannot spy an individual date, provide a screenshot of Application Modeller window and all Attributes returned when you spy the Calendar control

If you have any addition information which you think will help the community with your query, please also share.


Carl Carter
Developer Program Manager
Blue Prism

Level 10
Try using match index/ordinal ..if it appears in the attributes list.

Vivek Goel
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