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Forum Posts

trying to install the training application

Hello,   I don't know the staff or password,  I thought it was admin/admin according to our Vendor partner KPMG. Could you assist me in this matter?       Thank-you   Gordon Lam Programmer Analyst 140 O'Conner Ottawa, Ont K1A 0R5 Canada   ...


AD01 TrainiNg

Hi Team, Can you assist me in getting trained for the AD01 Certification. Thanking you in advance------------------------------Sagar S------------------------------

Sagar_S by Level 3
  • 2 replies

Storing a file into a Work Queue item

Good day BP Gurus!I am currently developing a process that handles a PDF file at various stages of the process which is being put on pause for human interaction and then resumes, using the work queue items Status to determine where it left off and th...

date function

why I am getting a different result. please help!and where can I get more information on "Functions".------------------------------Raghib Ehsan------------------------------


Help with Custom DLL creation.

Hi All,I'm using VS2019 and C# to create a custom DLL to parse a Flat File and return a DataTable.I'm using the latest developer version of BP (6.6.015260) I have chosen .Net 4.7 as the target framework.My DLL references System, System.Core, System.D...

Replace a character

Hi,I want to replace the spaces with string "_" in multiple rows of a collection. Blue Prism allows to do so with replace function for first row only. How can it be done for multiple rows?Thanks------------------------------shah s--------------------...

shahs by Level 3
  • 8 replies

date function

Why am I getting a different answer? please help!and where can i get more information on "Functions" ------------------------------Raghib Ehsan------------------------------

32884.png 32885.png 32886.png

Integration with cyber ark

Hi team,I want to know how to integrate with cyber ark.------------------------------Sidramappa HunashyalSAAccentureAsia/Kolkata------------------------------


​Hi,Are they concepts Trigges like in AA, Whenerver file creates//Server starts need to run my bot.------------------------------Sidramappa HunashyalSAAccentureAsia/Kolkata------------------------------

Schedue a bot

​Hi ,How to schedule a bot? Did autlogin features supports by BP?------------------------------Sidramappa HunashyalSAAccentureAsia/Kolkata------------------------------

Citrix Automation

​Hi ,How to automate the applicaiton runs in VDI/client machines.------------------------------Sidramappa HunashyalSAAccentureAsia/Kolkata------------------------------

APD Certification

​Hi ,I wan to know the details about professional certification exam detals. ------------------------------Sidramappa HunashyalSAAccentureAsia/Kolkata------------------------------