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Forum Posts

APD Certification

​Hi ,I wan to know the details about professional certification exam detals. ------------------------------Sidramappa HunashyalSAAccentureAsia/Kolkata------------------------------

Section 11 - Consolidation Exercise

Hello,While doing the consolidation exercise in section 11. I reached "Exercise 1.1.4 Working the Items", it reads: - Check to see if an Item has been returned.- Tip: The file only has fifteen orders ....The csv "orders" file does not include returne...

Some Items in excel not filtered

Hi,i am trying to filter one excel file but due to size of that item it's not getting filtered. Please help me to fix this code.------------------------------Sachinan Shahi------------------------------


Does question comes from surface automation in AD01????And do i need to study "working with different application types and spy modes" for AD01 certification?------------------------------Raghib Ehsan------------------------------

Multii Bot Architecture

​How to implement multi bot architecure,Please so share the steps.------------------------------Sidramappa HunashyalSAAccentureAsia/Kolkata------------------------------

Section 9 - work queues

Hi,I am doing the bp foundation course and I am stuck in section 9 (Work Queues).In the second video - working item; once the action stage (Get Next Item) is added, then run the process; the data item and collection data would have values. Also when ...

PDF Related VBO

Any Built in VBO for PDF Handlling. I want to read row by row from table data from multiple pdf files.------------------------------Sidramappa HunashyalSAAccentureAsia/Kolkata------------------------------

Need Foundation Guide PDF for version 6

Hi team,I'm looking for Blue prism foundation Training Guide latest version PDF.I have checked the Documents in blueprism portal,but could not find it.Request you to share "Blueprism Foundation Training Course PDF Guide"of latest version.Thanks,Sneha...

Resolved! what is academia program tell me what this is.I am a office worker and I am a student of Open University of Japan.Can I sign up with this program?------------------------------Mitsuko Asia/Tokyo------------------------------

sumire by Level 9
  • 2 replies

Can't able to mark Self-tests as completed

Hi,I finished the whole foundation course including Self-Tests and all the other. I could not see any orange or green mark on Self-Tests even though I took the test and completed it in every section. Can someone please help me to solve this problem?/...