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Skill Not Working Due To Current User Access Despite Being Admin

Hi all,

simple question, trying to run a skill in a process but it won't work with the attached scrsht. Says Current user is not permitted to perform this action however in other attached screenshot you can see the logged in user has all possible accesses. Not sure where to start digging with this as to what may be the potential issue underneath it all so posting here while I dig around.

BP version
.Net 4.7

Currently can't find anything in the document library on skills errors (can see a document on how to use them but nothing on corresponding errors), nothing in help files either.

Dexter Whelan
Senior Developer/Mentor

solved. very confusing error message should perhaps be updated but the action request here that was forbidden was simply a credential access rights issue. It's very confusing in V6.7 to see the words 'legacy' next to access rights and assume your token won't need them because it is exposed via skills mgmt page however you do in fact need to give your process/user/machine access rights to avoid this access issue. Will test with it more to see the depth of why the settings are written as legacy and see whats actually going on here.

Dexter Whelan
Senior Developer/Mentor


Dexter Whelan
can you please elaborate your solution. I am unable to understand. Facing the similar issue even though I have all the rights which you have mentioned.

Shraddha Chauhan

send some screenshots in chat. for me the solution was to update credentials to have access to everything ie all machines, all roles, all users and that fixed the issue. thats configurable under each credential

Dexter Whelan
Senior Developer/Mentor