Hi Sanaa,
Logging is used to check the running and debugging of bots from Control Room. These logs are usually auto generated and can be controlled by using this option at each stage level from your process studio. Logs will give you insight of how bot actually ran for any developed solution especially useful in UAT and Production environment where you want to monitor runs.
You can decide if you want the log to be generated for any particular stage or not by selecting 'Enabled' or 'Disabled' logging level. If you only want the logs to be generated on error, you can select the option 'Errors Only'. Also, there is an additional checkbox called 'Dont Log Parameters At This Stage' which upon checking ensures that the input parameters are not logged which are generally used to hide credentials or sensitive data in client sensitive environment to ensure security and compliance.
You can see how the logs look from control room for any session run as shown below:

For more details, please go the Learning LMS at University:
Logging Best Practices------------------------------
Hope it helps you and if it resolves you query please mark it as the best answer so that others having the same problem can track the answer easily
Devneet Mohanty
Intelligent Process Automation Consultant | Sr. Consultant - Automation Developer,
Wonderbotz India Pvt. Ltd.
Blue Prism Community MVP | Blue Prism 7x Certified Professional
https://devneet.github.io/Email: devneetmohanty07@gmail.com
Hope this helps you out and if so, please mark the current thread as the 'Answer', so others can refer to the same for reference in future.
Devneet Mohanty,
SS&C Blueprism Community MVP 2024,
Automation Architect,
Wonderbotz India Pvt. Ltd.