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getting error message for sending mail throuh gmail

Level 2

I am using email POP3/SMTP in business object to send email through gmail, but it need to do some settings to be modified in google , that is enable less security apps but from 30 may google disabled that option and so I could not able to send email
so is there any alternative?


shubham shinde

Hello @shubham shinde,

Google is starting to lock down security settings for their services. In order to connect to a GMail account using the POP3/SMTP VBO you will need to create an App Password by performing the following steps on the specific account:

  1. Go to your Google Account settings (
  2. Under Security -> Signing in to Google, make sure 2-Step Verification is enabled. Note, you use to be able to create App Passwords without 2-step verification, but it seems that is no longer an option.
  3. Once 2-Step Verification is enabled on the account, you should be able to create an App Password for use in Blue Prism. You can access App Passwords at the following link:
  4. Once you have the 16 character app password, go back to your Blue Prism process and use it as the password along with your GMail user ID.

Eric Wilson
Director, Integrations and Enablement
Blue Prism Digital Exchange