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Runtime resource fail to launch browser

Level 2

Hello all, 

I am running Blue Prism 7.0.1 with the 7.0.1 Chrome extension on a virtual machine runtime resource. From the control room I am logging into the VM through the login agent and starting my process which needs to launch Chrome to a specific URL. 

I have set up an object with the app modeler configured for browser-based (Chrome), browser launched from executable file, the URL of my page with the '--force-renderer-accessibility' parameter, and mode Embedded(default). My action launches using a navigation stage with the root of the app modeler as the element and Launch as the action. 

If I run my action manually when connected to the VM through a remote connection it runs successfully. However, when the unattended VM gets to that stage in the process, I receive this message in the log: "ERROR: Internal : Failed to perform step 1 in Navigate Stage 'Launch Site' on page 'Launch' - Process with an Id of -1 is not running."

I found a similar post from last year here but there was no follow-up to confirm a solution. Does anyone know what might cause and/or fix this since the browser extension seems to be fine? 

Miran Bisson


I wonder if you are trying to attach to Chrome that is already executed and you are using the ID process to connect. Can you check that or change launch the application no to attach?

Level 2
@Luis Lopez Before attempting to launch Chrome I am checking the working process set and closing Chrome if active to ensure there is no instance running. My Close Chrome action attempts to attach to the window and close it through a navigation stage, and if that fails it will kill the process as a last resort.

I was unable to resolve the issue through updating the launch action.

Instead, I substituted it with the Utility - Environment "Start Process" action with "chrome" as the application and my URL & " --force-renderer-accessibility" as my arguments. This worked to launch the application which I can then attach to in my next action.


Level 2


Same problem I am facing in chrome automation, attended mode its working in VM, but when runs from control room to VM unattended mode its not working , launch fails, I did what you told below Theard, Utility environment and launch action, after added 2 stages, chrome launching 2 tabs for utility and launch actions, so throwing exception as  multiple windows matched. can you help me which approach you followed for launch chrome in unattended mode.