How To Approach Citizen Development With SS&C Blue Prism

Citizen development is an approach to software development that empowers non-technical employees to create applications and automate processes using low-code platforms and other easy-to-use tools. SS&C Blue Prism, a leading provider of intelligent automation (IA) solutions, offers a citizen development platform that allows organizations to create custom applications and automate processes quickly and easily.

In this blog, we’ll discuss how to approach a citizen development strategy with SS&C Blue Prism, including the benefits of citizen development, the challenges of implementing a citizen development strategy and best practices for success.


Why Citizen Development?

Citizen development has become increasingly popular in recent years because it offers various benefits for organizations. These benefits include:

Faster time-to-market
Citizen development empowers employees to create applications and automate processes quickly and easily without relying on IT departments or external developers. This allows organizations to get their applications and processes to market faster, giving them a competitive edge.

Increased agility
Citizen development platforms allow organizations to make changes to their applications and processes quickly and easily without needing extensive coding or development work. This enables organizations to respond to changing business needs more quickly and with greater agility.

Lower costs
Citizen development platforms typically require fewer resources and less technical expertise than traditional software development methods. This can result in significant cost savings for organizations.

Improved employee engagement
Citizen development empowers employees to take ownership of their work and contribute to the success of the organization in meaningful ways. This can lead to improved job satisfaction and employee engagement.


Challenges of Citizen Development

While citizen development offers many benefits, it is not without its challenges. These challenges include:

Lack of technical expertise
Citizen developers may lack the technical expertise needed to create complex applications or automate complex processes. This can lead to errors or suboptimal solutions.

Security and compliance risks
Citizen development can create security and compliance risks if proper controls and safeguards are not put in place. For example, citizen developers may inadvertently expose sensitive data or violate regulatory requirements.

Governance and control
Citizen development can create challenges for IT departments and other stakeholders who need to maintain control over the organization's technology infrastructure. Without proper governance and control, citizen development can result in a proliferation of unmanaged applications and processes.


Best Practices for Citizen Development

To overcome the challenges of citizen development and maximize its benefits, organizations should follow these best practices:

Establish governance and control
To ensure that citizen development activities are aligned with the organization's overall IT strategy and security requirements, it’s important to establish governance and control mechanisms. This includes creating policies and procedures for citizen development, establishing guidelines for data security and compliance, and providing oversight and support to citizen developers.

Provide training and support
To ensure that citizen developers have the technical expertise needed to create effective solutions, it’s important to provide training and support. This includes training on the citizen development platform, as well as support from IT and other technical experts.

Start small
To minimize risk and ensure success, organizations should start with small, low-risk projects when implementing a citizen development strategy. This allows organizations to test the waters and identify any potential challenges before scaling up to larger, more complex projects.

Foster collaboration
To maximize the benefits of citizen development, organizations should foster collaboration between citizen developers, IT departments and other stakeholders. This includes creating forums for sharing best practices and lessons learned, as well as establishing channels for communication and feedback.


Approaching Citizen Development With SS&C Blue Prism

SS&C Blue Prism offers a citizen development platform that enables organizations to create custom applications and automate processes quickly and easily. SS&C Blue Prism's citizen development platform includes the following features:

Low-code development
SS&C Blue Prism's citizen development platform requires minimal coding, making it easy for non-technical employees to create applications and automate processes. Built-in AI capabilities SS&C Blue Prism's citizen development platform includes artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities that enable organizations to create intelligent applications and automate complex processes.

Enterprise-grade security
SS&C Blue Prism's citizen development platform includes enterprise-grade security features that help organizations manage data security and compliance risks.

Scalability and performance
SS&C Blue Prism's citizen development platform is designed for scalability and performance, enabling organizations to scale up their citizen development activities as needed.


  To approach Citizen Development with SS&C Blue Prism, organizations should follow these best practices:

  1. Identify citizen development opportunities: To identify citizen development opportunities, organizations should conduct a thorough assessment of their processes and workflows to uncover areas where automation could improve efficiency, productivity or customer experience.
  2. Establish governance and control: To ensure that citizen development activities are aligned with the organization's overall IT strategy and security requirements, it’s important to establish governance and control mechanisms. This includes creating policies and procedures for citizen development, establishing guidelines for data security and compliance, and providing oversight and support to citizen developers.
  3. Provide training and support: To ensure that citizen developers have the technical expertise needed to create effective solutions, organizations should provide training and support. This includes training on the SS&C Blue Prism citizen development platform, as well as support from IT and other technical experts.
  4. Start small: To minimize risk and ensure success, organizations should start with small, low-risk projects when implementing a citizen development strategy with SS&C Blue Prism. This allows organizations to test the waters and identify any potential challenges before scaling up to larger, more complex projects.
  5. Leverage AI capabilities: SS&C Blue Prism's citizen development platform includes AI capabilities that enable organizations to create intelligent applications and automate complex processes. Organizations should leverage these capabilities to create more efficient and effective solutions.
  6. Foster collaboration: To maximize the benefits of citizen development with SS&C Blue Prism, organizations should foster collaboration between citizen developers, IT departments and other stakeholders. This includes creating forums for sharing best practices and lessons learned, as well as establishing channels for communication and feedback.


What We’ve Learned

Citizen development offers many benefits for organizations, including faster time-to-market, increased agility, lower costs and improved employee engagement. But it’s not without its challenges, including lack of technical expertise, security and compliance risks, and governance and control issues. To overcome these challenges and maximize the benefits of citizen development, organizations should follow best practices for governance, training, starting small, fostering collaboration and leveraging AI capabilities.

SS&C Blue Prism's citizen development platform offers a powerful tool for organizations looking to implement a citizen development strategy. By following best practices and leveraging SS&C Blue Prism's low-code development, AI capabilities, enterprise-grade security and scalability and performance features, organizations can create custom applications and automate processes quickly and easily, while minimizing risk and maximizing value.


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