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Can someone please help me to spy a dropdown on a Web Browser using BluePrism?

I am a newbie RPA Developer, and the RPA Software that my company uses is BluePrism. Now, I have this project(actually my first project ever) that needs to interact with an in-house Application, and it has a lot of dropdown entries, where you can only select or click the options, not allowed to type anything. I got stalled on spying that dropdown and thinking how do I select the correct option inside that dropdown.

I have tried everything that our trainer have taught us, but I still cant have it working. Please help!

Thanks in advance 🙂

Disclaimer: This content was auto-posted from Stackoverflow. The original Stackoverflow question is here Stackoverflow Post, posted by Rdee Cruz.
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Hi - there's no single way to do it, as it depends on the application type and the way the drop down works. It can often be as easy as using Select Item in a Navigate stage. Alternatively, you may need to do Get All Items so that you can loop through a collection until you find what you're looking for, then update the drop down. Or cruder still, set up a key-down/read/stop-or-continue loop to chug down the list. That can be painful to get right and slow to execute, but if you're unlucky it may be a last resort.

If it's a web app, you may find that you can spy the item element and click it, even when it's not selected and invisible.

John Carter
Professional Services
Blue Prism