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Error popping in blueprism - Internal : Unexpected error The remote name could not be resolved: 'htt

Level 5
Downloaded and integrated the Microsoft Text Analytics in Blue Prism. When tried to test using Detect Languages, I gave all the inputs like Region,Credentials(obtained from subscription) and Collection of document. while trying to run error pops in BluePrism. Internal : Unexpected error The remote name could not be resolved: 'https' The above error comes from the Input Region field which is the end point "". Please give me solution
#Knowledge and Insight Skill
#Text Analytics

Hi Gerald! We apologize for missing your question before the holidays. We are looking in to this now to get you a resolution ASAP. Thank you!
#Knowledge and Insight Skill
#Text Analytics

Hi Gerald, The issue you're running into is that the input parameter only expects you to enter the Azure "region", not the entire URL. So, in your case you'd set that parameter to "westcentralus". Cheers, Eric
#Knowledge and Insight Skill
#Text Analytics

Just for the record there could be another area where you would encounter this specific error. If your network card doesn't have DNS servers configured or if the servers themselves are misconfigured you can also run into this error of not being able to resolve a remote name. Cheers, Eric
#Text Analytics
#Knowledge and Insight Skill

Hi @ewilson. I experience something similar when using the custom vision service from Azure. I can make it work with postman and Microsofts own test service, but using BP Skills I get an unauthorized message. I set the region to westeurope and I am using the same prediction key that works in postman​, but it still doesn't work. We have also tried to do a normal post call but that also gets an unauthorized message.  From our post call Internal : Could not execute code stage because exception thrown by code stage: The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized. from using skills: Internal : Unexpected error Error during Web API HTTP Request
HTTP Status Code: 401
HTTP Response Content: { "error":{ "statusCode": 401, "message": "Access denied due to invalid subscription key. Make sure to provide a valid key for an active subscription." }}
Any idea?

Mikkel Christiansen
Innovation Lead

Hi Mikkel,

Have you tried capturing the requests from Blue Prism and Postman in Fiddler and seeing if there's any difference between them? In other words, get Telerik Fiddler if you don't already have it. Run it, and then execute your Blue Prism process that uses the Microsoft skill. Capture that HTTP traffic. Then do this again, but execute the call to the Microsoft Vision interface through Postman and capture the HTTP traffic in Fiddler. After, compare the two and see if you can spot any differences in the HTTP headers, their values, etc.


Eric Wilson
Director, Partner Integrations for Digital Exchange
Blue Prism

Ok. I will try that:-)

Mikkel Christiansen
Innovation Lead