03-12-24 06:32 PM
I'm trying to upload a file via FTP to an internal site. I have the connectivity data from the site owner, but the two DX objects I've tried are both giving me issues.
I've tried Invoke's FTP object. When trying to send the file, I get the message below.
"Internal : Could not execute code stage because exception thrown by code stage: ERROR WHILE UPLOADING FILE: The remote server returned an error: 227 Entering Passive Mode"
Upon doing some research, I found that opening the high ports on the local firewall resolved the issue for some people, but the issue remains for me.
I also tried the SSH.NET object. I'm getting the message below.
"Internal : Could not run the object because one of the code stages has a compile error, use Check for Errors for a list of problems"
I've had to change machines since the last test, but there were no code issues on the machine I tested on. I tried saving each of the Renci.SshNet.dll files into the Blue Prism Automate folder, but I continued to get the same error.
Any ideas on either?
04-12-24 06:21 AM
Hello, We have been using the SSH.NET object for SFTP access for a long time and it has been working seamlessly. Once you fix the DLL error in the SSH object, then you should be able to access it properly.
The DLL version varies according .NET version in your machine so you may want to download the package and try to put DLL one by one from each folder and see which DLL works in your case - https://www.nuget.org/packages/ssh.net/
09-12-24 07:25 PM
That's what I did, initially. I'm still having the issue. None of them worked.
11-12-24 08:23 PM
That's what I did, initially. I'm still having the issue. None of them worked.
12-12-24 11:38 AM
Do you mean you tried replacing each DLL one by one to see if the error is resolved? In other words, removing the previous DLL and adding a new one to check if the issue persists?
If the problem continues, I suggest reaching out to someone from the IT team. There could be an issue with the .NET version or an upgrade, and they might be able to help determine why the DLL is not working properly.
Or you can check the same in other infra or machine.