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Issue in passing special character in GSK command of Blue Prism

Level 3
Hi all,

When I was working with GSK commands in Blue Prism, I faced a situation where I need to pass a text with special character. But I was unable to achieve it.

For example, If I want to pass "Apple_Pie" as a global send key, what would be the format... How can I achieve this... Can anyone help on this....

Shivani Chandrasekar

Passing "_" i GSK in {} might work. Could you try? F.ex. {_}
You can try to set the value into Clipboard with "Set Clipboard" action and then fetch the value and pass as an input into GSK from Get Clipboard (as a way to trick GSK). 

Andrzej Fidos

Hi Shivani,

If you are using Global Send Keys, then directly sending the word "Apple_Pie" would work as you can see below:

However, few things to keep in mind are:

- Whenever you are using the Global Send Key method, first always ensure that the target application is in foreground mode. For this you can use an 'Activate' action first on the window element for the application interface:


- Once the application is active, try to send a click on the element where you want to execute the Global Send Key method so that it is under focus.


- This is an option step that you can do. Once the element is selected, now you can use the Global Send Key method and remember this you must at the root element of the Application Tree in order for it work correctly. I preferably first try to clear any text if it is available by using something like : CTRL+A and then Delete as you can see below:


NOTE: Whenever using special characters like Alt (%) , Ctrl (^). Shift (+), DEL, HOME etc. never provide the interval value otherwise you will get an error

- After this you can send another Global Send Key action for entering the text you want. If you are using Global Send Keys, the case in which you are providing the text will be replicated. In case you are using Global Send Key Events action then the text by default is all in lower case. In order to send some characters as capital you have to send the character while pressing Shift key like manually you would do. For example in "Apple_Pie" for sending A and P you will need to also pass the Shift keys while using Global Send Key Events which will be something like this "<{SHIFT}a>{SHIFT}pple<{SHIFT}{OemMinus}>{SHIFT}<{SHIFT}p>{SHIFT}ie" but if you are using Global Send Key, just pass the text as "Apple_Pie" that's all!

Using Global Send Keys:

Using Global Send Key Events:



As you can see I have used all the actions within this single 'Navigate' stage:


Please let us know if it helps!

Hope it helps you and if it resolves you query please mark it as the best answer so that others having the same problem can track the answer easily

Devneet Mohanty
Intelligent Automation Consultant
Blueprism 6x Certified Professional

Hope this helps you out and if so, please mark the current thread as the 'Answer', so others can refer to the same for reference in future.
Devneet Mohanty,
SS&C Blueprism Community MVP 2024,
Automation Architect,
Wonderbotz India Pvt. Ltd.