@ewilson I think it was something to do with Excel instances and something that I had tried to implement to fix a different problem I was having. Perhaps I should start from the beginning, but if you think I should start a new thread, just let me know and I'll paste this into a new request.
In Studio, I have the MS Excel VBO and then I started to create my own with little reusable Excel snippets in a new object, thusly:

Everything was going swimmingly until I had need to add a Code action to one of the pages in my object (the code was to clear data from a number of columns). I added the code and got the messages about protection levels as above.
With Pablo's help, I then copied the relevant 'protected' parts of the Excel VBO to the Global Code tab of my object Initialise page... I had a number of new issues after that, but rather than go into them just yet - should I just create my custom bit of code within the Excel VBO? Are you allowed to do that?