Hi Simanchala,
Below are my thoughts on your issues.
1. The Extension used to remove by itself from the Edge even after adding manually.
--> Need to check your bot account access and group policies configured for controlling browser extensions. You can refer the below BP docs link
https://bpdocs.blueprism.com/bp-6-9/en-us/Guides/chrome-firefox/chrome-firefox.htm?tocpath=Guides%7CChrome%252C%20Edge%252C%20and%20Firefox%20integration%7C_____02. For some server, even if the Extension is present, we are facing issue with "Attach" the target application.
--> Check if the use of fixed browser extension port(31924) checkbox is enabled and
uncheck it if checked. This resolved the attach issues for me especially when I run the process in debug mode and in Control room on the same machine. You can find it in the System > Settings:

This setting was provided for the older versions of BPE for browser automations. Where all the communications between BP and browser was channelled through the port - 31924. However the recent versions of BP uses a range of peripheral ports for this. Please keep in mind below scenario before you disable this setting.
Important : When your process relies on attaching to an instance of the Chrome, Firefox, or Edge that BPE did not initially launch via the Application Modeller, then enabling the setting above will allow your existing process to continue running.
Hanumanagouda Totada