Hi all,
I need to automate a Use Case for SAP Application which is inside SAP but am facing issues performing any action on SAP using blue prism
Current Scenario Steps are :
1) Login Into Citrix Portal : https://myapps-xxxx.yy.com/logon/LogonPoint/index.html (For reference)
2) Click on SAP Application
3) Perform Use Case steps on SAP Application
Now Steps 1 and 2 were pretty straight forward and i have done them. The real problem arises when the application opens. I am not able to perform any action on the application.
I am aware that this will require Surface Automation and i tried identifying the elements using Region Mode but that is also not working for me. Not sure where i am going wrong. Kindly suggest a way out.
I have added image of steps that I am performing for your reference.
Umang Bhatia