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BP is failing to launch MainFrame Terminal Emulator (Extra!)

Level 4
The Extra! X-treme application V9.3 has been installed on my desktop and the same version has been setup in BP application model also, but when I try to launch the application it is failing with error: Error - Failed to launch application - Launch failed: Error from ConnectToHostOrSession: Failed to connect to Attachmate host A with an unknown error code. The error code was -1 I have tried with different Application manager modes, but they are failing with similar error.

Level 2
Same here. Let me know if someone can fix it. Thanks.

Level 2
Fixed this error. Tip: 1. Select the Advanced tab to reveal information about the HLLAPI Shortname configuration options 2. Select a Session Shortname letter and browse to locate the Extra! Session file (*.edp) that you want to associate with this shortname identifier . 3. Make sure you have the path after ""A"" or other Shortname letter. 4. Click the OK button to set this configuration, and then exit from the Attachmate Extra! Session, ensuring that the session and the emulator are both closed. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Outstanding issue for me: Unable to spy elements using windows 32, it will crash BP everytime it runs. Hope it helps. 🙂

Hi jsnkrao, the reason why it crashes every time you try spying elements using windows 32 is that you need to use so called grid which first shows that Blue Prism correctly recongised that it is attached to a mainframe application and secondly you use only X,Y coordinates to locate position within grid and you can read and write as you like. Z.

Not applicable
Hi I am using Extra! X-treme application V9.3 application and i have used the above tips to launch the mainframe application but still i am facing the same issue (Error - Failed to launch application - Launch failed: Error from ConnectToHostOrSession: Failed to connect to Attachmate host A with an unknown error code. The error code was -1) Could you please tell me how to resolve this.