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Blue Prism Application Server

Level 2
Hi I have a couple of questions regarding the Blue Prism Application Server setup: - What is main difference between running only with a shared database server and running with a Blue Prism Application Server on top of that? - Do you need a seperate software package for the Application Server and can it be installed on both Windows Server and Windows? - Any other experinces or thoughts (pros/cons) regarding this setup is much appriciated. Br. Jonas

Level 15
Hello. The direct database connection settings (not using application server) is only really intended for some development or short term environments (such as for POCs/Pilots) or for some UK health sector clients where BPServer is not available in their license. It does not provide the full enterprise strength solution. The Application server option adds functionality such as Scheduling, and security features such as marshelling database communications and storing the credentials key in a seperate location to the database (not storing the key on top of the safe!). The expectation is therefore that all customers use the BP Server Service for production environments.

Level 2
Hi, Is it feasible to build in a shared database and then export the process (prior to production) once the app server is up and running? We have time constraints where we may not have the app server up and running yet.

Hi Christopher - yes you could retro fit the application server and you would not need to export/import. It would just be a case of changing the connection on the resource/client machines. If you had credentials then you'd want to make sure you used the same credential key to avoid having to recreate them with a new key.

Level 2
Hi Denis Makes sense. Thanks a lot for your answer. Br. Jonas

Thank you for your answer! As you mentioned store in database but as per document and video - encryption key will store into automate.config file.

Please correct me, If I am wrong.

Malak Dudhia

Hi Malak,

when you set the encryption key to be stored in DB then you will not be having a BP server connectivity. you will get an option to generate the key from the IC itself while creating encryption schema. However it is not recommended to keep both the key and encrypted data i the same storage (DB)

Jerin Jose
Technical Product Owner
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