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Blue Prism Client is Losing Connection with the Prod VDI

Level 4

Hi Team,

We have automated one application using Blue Prism Tool - which is running for 9 hrs at night to process 1250 queue items at a single run.

Process Flow:
Receiving an excel input file with 1250+ records as an attachment via Mail.
Created separate batch to process 200 records at a time (There is a separate reason behind batch) to produce the report and it will go for the next batch at the same continuous run.
Interacting with one of the desktop base application to generate Log files and based on some condition it's also interacting with another 2 APIs.

Problem : While generating the Logs from the application - the Blue prism client is losing connection (Lost Connection – msg) with the Prod VDI and the process is going on “Not Responding” to "Warning" status.


Control Room - > Resource Tab

Name                         State           Session Info
WIN0001234        Missing      Connection Lost

Control Room - >  Process Running Console

Not Responding to Warning Status

It's not like that - the same scenario is happening on daily basis. It's coming occasionally.
BP Version : 6.5
Could you please let me know your thoughts or any work around on this ?

I, in advance really appreciate your active response on this.

Please let me know if you have any concern.

Debashis Ghosh
Debashis Ghosh

Level 6
Hi Debashis, 
You can ask platform team to check for network health for BP Server and RR and have a load balance check. 
Also you can change system default for warning threshold and catch that exception to handle it and recover to resume it eventually to the check point where it is losing connection. 

Please check target application as it may also cause the delay leading to not responding and eventually to warning state.

Best Regards,
Ved Sengupta
RPA Developer
Bangalore | INDIA
------------------------------ Best Regards, Ved Sengupta RPA Developer Deloitte India (Offices of the US) Bangalore | INDIA *If you find this post helpful mark it as best answer* ------------------------------


Hey, you can check in Windows Events if there is an error regarding the network and look for your IT team.
What you can also do is:

Open the ResourcePC of the machine WIN0001234 and check if there is an anomaly in the log other than the execution of the process.

Emerson Ferreira
Sr Business Analyst
Avanade Brasil
+55 (081) 98886-9544

Sr Cons at Avanade Brazil

Thanks for the response. We are looking in the load balancer part.

Debashis Ghosh
Debashis Ghosh

We have already checked that part an now we are setting up the load balancer.

Debashis Ghosh
Debashis Ghosh