Hello, Rakesh,
let me answer your questions but my answers might not be providing the level of detail you may expect.
1. It is not clear whether you mean DB or set up on BP Application Server. Usually you have Blue Prism database running on database server and BP Application server runs on different HW. So if you meant whether Interact databases can be installed on the same DB server as Blue Prism database the short answer is YES. If you meant whehter Interact can be set up on BP Application Server the short answer is NO (even though for some PoC and non Prod environment it can).
2. I do not understand this question at all. If you just need to test Interact you can install everything on one server for demonstration purposes that is fine.
3. Interact need running database server and one additional server where all the other components (Erlang, RabbitMQ, etc.) are installed. If the servers are up and running Interact should be running fine.
4. There is an administration section in Hub where you can add or remove users. If you have tens of users that is manageable if you consider hundreds users that could be quite challenging. On the roadmap there is planned integration with AD so at that moment it would be pretty easy.
5. Well, you can contact me through PM and we can figure out how I can help you with this.
Zdeněk Kabátek
Head of Professional Services