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Bp Crashes when spying Java applet

Level 3
I am trying to spy java applet elements and BP crashes when I click on any element I have enabled java access bridge and I am able to see the elements , but as soon as I spy any one element Automate.exe stops working

Not applicable
This happened to me today. I uninstalled JAB and then reinstalled again. Then i noticed one error in the installation where i moved the file manually instead. Now it is working again. So check that JAB don't have any errors when you re-install it. If any errors you have to fix it manually. Hope it works, Pierre

HI Pierreax can you let me know more about the details of how you did the uninstall and installation The details about what was the error and how did you were able to find it would help Thanks for your reply

Level 15
There is an article in the knowledgebase about installing the JAB files manually:

Level 2
Blue prism crashes for me when I'm trying to spy the Mainframe application. The application type was micro focus rumba with session id given. When I click on launch to attach to the running Mainframe session it was getting crashed. Please help me on this.