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Cannot create ActiveX component while launching Mainframe application using Blue Prism version 6.2.1

Level 2
Hi, We are facing issue while launching Mainframe application from Blue Prism. We have verified mainframe application is installed properly and we are able to connect to it if we directly open WS file. But while connecting it from BP it is giving error message available in the attachment. Regards Mahesh

Level 2
Hi Mahesh,
Did you get any solutions for your request as we are also facing same issue. Please reply asap.

Thanks & Regards,
Vinod Bhakodiya

Vinod Bhakodiya


@Mahesh Prajapati Apologies i dont see any attachment here . Mind sharing the same again ?

Also have you used the correct Mainframe type from the Application Wizard? You need to reference the .ws file correctly in order for Mainframe to correctly launch (Point to the .ws file which is created within the folder on which you have installed IBM Personal Communication software). Also try "Select the Application Manager mode" field, initially adjusting the value to "External 32 bit mode"

Vipul Tiwari
Senior Process Simplification and Optimization Designer(Solutions Architect)
Fidelity International
------------------------------ Vipul Tiwari Senior Process Simplification Developer Amazon ------------------------------

Hi Vipul,
May I know the reason that Blueprism display the error  "Cannot create ActiveX component" as we are also facing same issue in BP 6.10.3 and tried "External 32 bit mode" but met with same error.

​Please reply asap.
Thanks & Regards,

Shawn Shaw