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Chrome Browser-Running from control room

Level 4
I'm using BP 6.3 and Chrome to access an online portal and download an excel file. I've been able to successfully spy the portal, navigate around same and download the excel. I've stepped through/over the logic multiple times and it works really well. I launch Chrome through a navigate stage with the URL for the portal then my next action is to wait for one of the elements on the portal to exist before moving onwards through the process. However when I incorporate the logic in my process and run from control room my process throws an error at the next element post launch, the next stage is a wait stage to ensure a field 'username' exists. This times out every time despite being spied correctly when I access App Modeller. See attached how I've spied this field. Any ideas?    

Hey guys. I'm having the same issues. Process works great in Debug mode. When I run it from Control Room, it opens the browser and terminates. 

The logs show: ERROR: Internal : Failed to perform step 1 in Navigate Stage 'Attach' on page 'Attach' - Target application could not be identified.

Any ideas?

Zdravko Botushanov
Senior RPA Consultant


HI Zravko,

If you are debugging and then trying to tun from control room it might night work. Because it's a know issue in chrome you can can not run 2 instances of chrome at the same time. Restart your server and try running either debug or from control room it will work.
I guess chrome started working better after 6.4.2 on wards so try it. I am running a process from last one year in Production without any issue in 6.4.2.

Amlan Sahoo
RPA Consultant
Amlan Sahoo

Hi Amla,

Unfortunately, I did try restarting the machine, closing all Chrome instances beforehand etc. Everything works 100 % in debug mode, but in Control Room, it only opens the browser and crashes with ERROR: Internal : Failed to perform step 1 in Navigate Stage 'Attach' on page 'Attach' - Target application could not be identified.

Zdravko Botushanov
Senior RPA Consultant

It's weird. Raise a ticket with Blue Prism support team. They may help you with the same.

Amlan Sahoo
RPA Consultant
Amlan Sahoo