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Cleanup unused processes/objects

HI! Is there a way to identify "unused" processes/objects? E.g. all processes/objects which haven't been executed for x months?
Cheers [FirstName]

Level 7
hey guy No one has responded yet.  You might not even see this but to the random person stumbling across this forum in the future while trying to solve a similar problem and using the power of google managed to find this page; Hello! I am from the past and I'm here to help. You'll need access to the back end of the DB or a mirror of it (i.e. the MS SQL that stores everything for the Blue Prism environment you're running) -- START OF SQL use XXXXXXXX; -- Replace this with the name of your DB go -- First creates a table to query of everything, similar to the control room feed but not limited with cte_TodaySessionLog as -- First creates a CTE of all session data for processes run today (same as the Control room feed) ( SELECT S.SessionID ,S.StartDateTime ,S.EndDateTime ,S.StopRequested ,S.LastUpdated ,S.LastStage ,P.Name as ProcessName FROM [dbo].[BPASession] as S inner join [dbo].[BPAProcess] as P on P.[processid] = S.[processid] and P.[ProcessType] = 'P' -- only gets processes, not objects but you can remove this line and get both ) select TSL.ProcessName ,max(TSL.StartDateTime) as DateLastUsed from cte_TodaySessionLog as TSL GROUP BY TSL.ProcessName ; -- END OF SQL