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Clicking a button in Web first time did not work - Click again then seem to work?

Level 4

I spied a button in the web which it was able to highlight (using Browser mode). I then tried to use click on it but it did not work (nothing happens). Then, I use a focus and then tried click again and nothing happens. If I use another click, then it seems to work (Focus, then click and click again). Tried using UI mode as well and does not work either. I also spied the area where the button is and it says it is a web table so I am assuming the button is part of or in the table itself. Wondering if this is the cause of the issue.

Appreciate any help on this issue.


Tak Kwok
Sr. Data Associate
SP Global

Level 9
Hi @Tak Kwok,

Can you share the Screenshot of the Web table with Click Button and the Error that occurred.


RPA Developer

Hi Tak, (...and others)

Reminder to use these:
23544.png...buttons that can be found in the lower right corner of your process opened in Studio. The one on the right will reveal the Live log and in many (most?) cases show what's going on, or what's not going on, as the case may be.

Happy coding!
Happy coding!
Paul, Sweden
(By all means, do not mark this as the best answer!)

Hi I had attached a screen shot. Since this is an internal app, I had to clear out the data. The boundary in red - when I spy it, it show as a web table. Hope this help to narrow down as to the cause of the issue I am encountering.


Tak Kwok
Sr. Data Associate
SP Global

Hi T,

What does the process log say when you click the button?

Happy coding!
Happy coding!
Paul, Sweden
(By all means, do not mark this as the best answer!)


I think I can only view the process log when running in Control Room. Since I am still developing this, I won't be able to run it in control room yet.


Tak Kwok
Sr. Data Associate
SP Global

Hi Tak Kwok,

those buttons are accessible from the Process / Object view in the Studio, bottom right corner of the Window. They log all the debug actions the process goes through and it is the only way of actually seeing what code the Process/Object is executing step-by-step.

Ramón Requena López
RPA Developer
Magenta Telekom

Hi Tak Kwok

Is this a web application? I had a similar issue with buttons on a few web based applications. A simple solution I used was to spy the button as a UIA button then use a navigate with 2 steps, first step does a 'press' and second step does a 'Global mouse click centre' with "LEFT" mouse button, add a 0.2 second pause after each step. If possible put in an activate stage in a separate navigate before the button press navigate, this solution worked for me on a few different developments so hopefully helps you as well. 🙂

Michael ONeil
Technical Lead developer

Thanks Michael. Yes. This is a web application. I did something similar as you mentioned and is working but was just wondering if there was a  better solution. I will go ahead and do something similar as you mentioned.

Appreciate it.

Tak Kwok
Sr. Data Associate
SP Global