I am currently undergoing foundation course and wanted to try BP Server on the same machine to demonstrate the Scheduler. Is that possible?
I have v6.2 of BP. I referred to several online guides, but didn't help much.
I am on office network with dynamic IP. I have configured the Encryption Key, service is set to Automatic and with Login with current user details. But it fails to start saying "service was started and stopped...".
When I try creating new connections in BP studio, with "Blue Prism Server" as Connection type, Connection Mode as "WCF:Insecure", I get error "Ensure that the specified server address matches the binding configured on the server".
In the BP Server Configuration correct key is given but it fails since the server connection itself is not getting established.
Any guidance on how to achieve it?
Nikhil Sathe
Sr Consultant
Capgemini Technology Services