03-03-20 08:48 AM
Whilst executing a schedule overnight, we occasionally come in the next morning to find that a process in the schedule has hung/frozen on a particular stage. The stage is different every time and we are confident that it is the network connection dropping, which is causing the process to hang. Unfortunately this is outside of our control, as it is the client's network.
Is it possible to programmatically check to see whether a warning status is in the control room, perhaps using the session ID, or some script like Powershell? So for example, if we had a mini process which ran in the background which checked the status once in a while, and if it has hung or frozen then take corrective action, or even send an alert? Please see below for a screenshot:
I should mention that I don't have access to the database, as this is hosted in the cloud by a third party.
Many thanks for your help,
03-03-20 05:05 PM
03-03-20 05:46 PM
04-03-20 03:45 AM
04-03-20 02:32 PM
05-03-20 10:19 AM
06-03-20 09:22 AM
06-03-20 11:14 AM
I guess the HTTP commands don't show if the process/resource is in Warning state, it only shows that the process is running.
Also there is no direct status in BP DB for warning, It is calculated from Session table by checking lastupdated & warningthreshold.
08-03-20 11:33 PM
09-03-20 12:36 PM