29-07-23 12:47 PM
Hello, How can I convert XLSX to PDF in bluePrism software?
Thanks all.
29-07-23 03:00 PM
You can use the Export as PDF action in MS Excel VBO to convert the excel to pdf.
30-07-23 12:09 PM
30-07-23 02:15 PM
Hi Maria,
Here is the ms excel vbo from digital exchange
30-07-23 02:21 PM
31-07-23 05:54 AM
Hi Marwa,
From the screenshot, it says you're trying to use a flag that has no value assigned. Hence, Blueprism is unable to take flow that is decided with the value of that flag data item. Please check if a value is present or not in the data item and correct your logic accordingly.
01-08-23 11:33 AM
Hi Marwa, From the screenshot, it says you're trying to use a flag that has no value assigned. Hence, Blueprism is unable to take flow that is...
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Re: Convert to PDF
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Jul 31, 2023 5:54 AM Babjee Vangipurapu
Hi Marwa,
From the screenshot, it says you're trying to use a flag that has no value assigned. Hence, Blueprism is unable to take flow that is decided with the value of that flag data item. Please check if a value is present or not in the data item and correct your logic accordingly.
Babjee Vangipurapu
Senior RPA Developer
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01-08-23 12:31 PM
Can you please share the screenshots of the exact decision and the data item that you're using when this error has been thrown.
03-08-23 05:49 AM
03-08-23 06:55 AM
Hi Marwa,
You can use the path of the PDF file to access the file in the Blue Prism process. Could you please let us know what you are trying to achieve after converting the XLSX to PDF? This way, we can guide you accordingly to achieve your goal.