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Creating MS Teams online meetings.

Hey Community.

I hope some of you might have experience working with automating the creation and distribution of MS Teams meetings.

My use case:
Every week we have to send out 1.000 MS Teams meeting invitations.
There will be two required attendees pr. meeting, a company facilitator and a costumer.
We have all data required to set up the meeting formatted in an Excel WB.

The following would be prefered in the solution:
- The RPA-user creating the meetings should not have the meeting present in own calendar.
- The unique meeting-url should be reported back as an output.

How would you go about getting this automated. Preferably, if you have worked on a similar solution, an in-dept explanation would be appreciated.

Best regards 🙂


Hi Mats - it's no something I've done before, but Google suggests you can create meetings using VBA (macros) running in either Excel or Outlook. This means that it should be possible to adapt a BP VBO or create a new VBO to execute the equivalent .Net code. So maybe what you could try is:
  • Find VBA examples online
  • Copy the code into Excel and work on it until you are happy with the performance
  • Translate the VBA into .Net code. While not copy&paste, the code will be fairly similar and you can study the code in the Excel and Outlook VBOs for inspiration.


How comfortable are you with REST and the Blue Prism WebAPI feature or the Utility - HTTP VBO?​ The reason I ask is because Microsoft has a series of endpoints available in the Graph API for creating/scheduling online meetings. However, these are only available in the beta release of Graph at the moment.


Thanks for the replies so far - I will be out in the woods for easter - responses might come a little late.

@John Carter I am considering going down this road, but I have not yet achieved to create the meeting without it being added the the RPA users local calendar.

@ewilson I have been fiddling around with the Graph API a bit, have made my app in Azure AD etc. So far I have only been able to create a connection with direct acces, but so far I have only been able to set up delegated acces for the Onlinemeetings.ReadWriteAll (or what it is called 🙂 on the user that will run the process. Therefore a working example, or screenshots of the setup could proberly help me in the right direction.
I am trying to get a direct acces approved, but it have been sitting with IT for 5 months and counting.​​

Thank you both for your inputs - and if someone else have examples or other suggestions, they are also more than welcome.

Happy easter to all 🙂

Level 2
I too have one similar requirement.  I am new to this tool. Could somebody help

An update

I finally got the Graph API to work as intended on my own desktop / user account, only to discover that our BOT-user does not support the same calendar setup as us eployees.

I ended up doing a combination of VBA in Excel that creates an appointment in outlook, fills the details and converts it to a teams-meeting, and pulls out the body-text of the meeting for validation.

After validating that the teams-meeting have been added to the appointment, Blue Prism takes over and sends the mail through the GUI.

Each invitation takes roughly 7 seconds, and so far the stability have been 100% with the first weeks worth of meetings.

I am considering translating the code to VB and building it into a codeblock, but it might be a project for later 🙂

Thanks again for the input.