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Creating Pivot tabele using Excel VBo

Level 4


I'm trying to create pivot table in excel but all the time I finish with error.

This is simple action. Also i can use all other action in excel VBO with this file without error. Adding new sheet also working but I obviously doing something wrong with this action.

If you have any ideas of what's wrong, I'd appreciate it.



Are you using the latest MS excel VBO
I would suggest get latest VBO from digital exchange

1) Try to create pivot table manually with the same excel file and see whether you are encountering the similar issue
2)  close all the excel instances and try to run the same stage again and see whether you are encountered the same issue

 Exception in the screenshot is generic one  you can see  below threads some of the reason for this exception.

If I answered your query. Please mark it as the Best Answer

Harish Mogulluri

Thanks. Manually I can create Pivot.

Also I copy just part of data into new excel (on picture above) and try with it. But all the time I got same error. So quantity of data isn't problem. 

My main concern was that i doing something wrong with input parameters.

Also, on digital exchange for this action in manual there isn't any explanation how to use action.

In any case, maybe I missed some example which can be download so that I can import it on my dev environment and test how it will work. That would be helpful.

In any case thank for answer.

Hi @igor_rosancic 

Is it possible to use a Macro or your only need to do it with Blue Prism ?

If the Vba is possible i can help you ti create the code then you just need to run it via the action run macro in Blue Prism