14-09-20 09:00 PM
15-09-20 08:33 AM
15-09-20 02:24 PM
15-09-20 06:57 PM
2) How do you get that data from excel? Excel VBO, queries or something else?
I am using "BP MS Excel VBO"'s action "Get Worksheet Range as Collection" to get the data.
3) Can you write it back to notepad?
No, if write it back, only "???? ????" (question marks) are sent.
So, it is not only a display issue in BluePrism.
15-09-20 06:59 PM
15-09-20 10:02 PM
17-09-20 01:35 PM
18-09-20 08:03 PM
18-09-20 08:38 PM