I am trying to Pass Commands to Command Prompt while spying.
i.e., Is it possible to spy the elements which is in Command prompt/In any other Interface?
If some one have already tried the spy command prompt and tried to pass and retrieve data from Command Prompt .Please let me know.
I think the only option would be the clipboard or Surface Automation. If you programmatically run a command instead of using the CMD window, then you can capture the response but I'm not sure that would help you here. What command are you using?
You could use the Start Process action in the environment utility object to run command lines. You could pipe the output to a text file as part of the command.
There are no elements inside the command prompt, it's not really a GUI, it's just text. You can copy that text via the clipboard, or programmatically capture it. Either way you will need to parse the text after capture.
You can't simply copy text from an image, the image needs to be interpreted. It's a big subject that cannot be explained on these forums. I suggest you take the 2 Surface Automation training courses.