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Disabling restore popup that comes when chrome process is killed

Level 8
Hi, Sometimes when chrome is closed via killing process chrome.exe from task manager, next time when we open chrome it gives a popup on right hand side, restore. I know one way to disable this pop up is to edit preference file with settings "exit_type": "none". However this settings is overwritten as soon as we launch chrome again, i dont want to change this file to read only as that has other issues with extensions as chrome logs various things to this file and needs write permission.
Is there a setting on UI like setting - "Always ask download location for saving file". Similarly a UI option to disable this restore pop up, or is there a flag we can pass at time of launching chrome that will disable this popup?

Level 3

Hi Mayank,

As of now, I can see two options to disable or close the restore popup:


Option 1-


  • Navigate to the following path: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default
  • Search Preferences file
  • Open file with notepad
  • Search the value "exit_type":"Crashed" and change it to "exit_type": "none"
  • Search "exited_cleanly" and it should be "exited_cleanly":true
  • Save & Close the preferences file
  • Right-click on the file and make it read-only else chrome will update this file again with initial values.

Option 2-


Close the popup with Blue Prism Process

  • Spy the restore popup with UI or region mode
  • Check the popup after launching the chrome using conditional wait stage
  • if restore popup exists, click on close (X)

Level 15
It looks like that restore popup doesn't happen in Incognito mode. I tested this a few times on my machine. I would imagine this is just a byproduct of that incognito is based on the concept of not maintaining browsing session/history information. I don't know if that works for you, but there are a couple things to do:

  • Enable incognito mode in the Blue Prism Browser Extension. This has to be done on every runtime resource.


  • In Application Modeller, add --incognito to the startup parameters


Dave Morris, 3Ci at Southern Company

There is a more recent thread on this topic here.