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Forum Posts

Ebook - 4 Mega Trends in Asset & Wealth Management

The asset and wealth management industries are undergoing major changes that only have been accelerating over the past 12 months. The pandemic exposed the industry to a number of issues, including dated and old operational models, regulatory risks, a...

Resolved! Can't find Accessibility Mode

Hi, I have just started learning about the Accessibility Mode, I'm trying to use it in browser application, but i cant find it (I only see browser, Win32, region and UI Automation modes) can anyone tell me why i can't find it? Thanks,---------------...

mnsh98 by Level 4
  • 4 replies

Resolved! SAP Fiori (SAP web version)

O Blue Prism é compatível com SAP Fiori (versão SAP web)? Em caso afirmativo, existe alguma configuração a ser realizada no SAP ou Blue Prism para que as automações funcionem? Existem aceleradores SAP Fiori?------------------------------Deise Raiane ...

Login Agent Failed After Change IP Address

One of our fix IP runtime resource is out of work after changed to another fix IP.  We have changed settings we can think of, but the login agent still do not work. Check the event log, an error message as: Failed to process session change. System.Co...

EricLi by Level 6
  • 2 replies

Unable to Install Edge Extension

Dear Support, I am unable to view Blue Prism Extension on Edge Browser. I have tried following Below Steps: 1) Uninstalled Blue Prism and Reinstalled Blue Prism 2) Downloaded Extension from different pc and tried importing in Edge using developer m...

Blue Prism 7.1 Login Agent issue

Hello Everyone,Recently we installed Blue Prism version 7.1.The logout process is triggered properly but the Runtime resource will be always in the "Idel stage" & it will not signout or logout. Also, I am not able to find the login agent config file....

Issues with Google Sheets

Hello guys, how are you?We are having some difficulties while getting and editing content related to google sheets.We are using API calls (Google Sheets API V4), however, the data return is not satisfatory to we manage information via collection with...

How to improve UIA Spy mode?

Dear All,   I’d like to ask detailed questions about the UIA Spy Mode’s performance.   I’m in a configuration test for a financial customer. And working with a custom browser which doesn’t have an extension but fortunately, UIA Spy Mode works.   Her...

Blue Prism->Jenkins->Git Lab

I am trying to deploy the bp file using Jenkins. I have to provide parameter "dbconname" But when I run it I am getting error stating "Specified connection name not found".------------------------------Shreya Kamath------------------------------

Resolved! Filter set value in different columns

Hello masters and mistresses! I have a problem, well, I have a defined data called "material" and only the value called "center" is in the worksheet, example:Column C "Material" : "VALUE A", I need to check in column H to Z if it has the center "H001...

Jrwork by Level 7
  • 5 replies

Windows Server & SQL Server - BluePrism 6.10.4

Hi,We are moving from Blue Prism 6.4.0 to version 6.10.4. For each environment, we have an Application Server and a Database Server. The versions of Windows Server and SQL Server that we want to install are the following:                             ...

Identifying Enabled Input filed on a GUI

Hi All,In the process of migrating an automation from Internet explorer to Microsoft edge.We are interacting with a web based application, where we identify and extract information of erroneous row. The GUI provides a hyperlink, that when clicked tak...