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Drag and drop in web based application

Not applicable
Hi, I am working on web based application where requirement is to drag the element from one position and drop into another place. I am not able to get solution using HTML and AA mode. Can someone suggest the solution. In HTML position it is asking for x and y coordinates in drag option from Navigate stage but when I try to use it throwing " Unable to match any windows with the query terms" though element is getting spied.   Note: Need solution using HTML or AA mode.

Level 4
There may be more than one html elements and the one you are seeing with spy mode is not the draggable one. Try using HTML branch and try to find the other html element that you can drag.

Level 6
Hi Mothy,   So did u succed in drag and drop functionality . if yes, then please let me know what is the flow of the element with its action in navigation stage. since even i am trying to do this scenario but not able to Achieve  it.  

Level 12
You should be able to get the screen positions of each element as start and end points. In theory, you should be able to move the mouse to point A, send a left click down event, move the mouse to point B, then send a mouse up event. You should be able to write up an object to handle it based off of this:…