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ERROR: Internal : - Old format or invalid type library. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80028019 (TYPE_E_UNSUPFORMAT))

Level 3
Hi All, I am working on salesforce application, my scenario is to work n number of cases per a day but the ROBOT runs successfully  for 27 cases and after that it was failing (ERROR: Internal :  -Old format or invalid type library. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80028019 (TYPE_E_UNSUPFORMAT))) by showing this error after every 27 cases it behaves same, can anybody help me out with this please  Thank You!

Level 2
I am seeing the same thing with my salesforce application. FYI - I am currently working on a different way to update Salesforce cases using Data Loader which is updating cases using an imported spreadsheet.  

Level 4
I am working on Browser Automation - extracting the data from one webportal and updating it in another webportal and I am getting the same error. Did anyone find a solution to this issue. Could you please share how to resolve this issue.