05-03-21 11:18 AM
05-03-21 02:42 PM
' Get the Excel instance.
Dim excel as Object = GetInstance(handle)
Dim range As Object
range = excel.Sheets(sheetName).UsedRange.Find(text)
If Not range Is Nothing Then
cellref = range.Address
cellref = ""
End If
Notice there are three input parameters to the Code stage: handle, text, and sheetName. This assumes you're looking for the text value in a specific worksheet. If the value is found it will return the specific cell. There are several properties you can set within Excel. This is just the most basic option.
05-03-21 02:54 PM
05-03-21 11:36 PM
09-03-21 10:48 AM
09-03-21 11:17 AM
27-06-21 10:21 PM
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