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Exception inside recovery mode

Level 3
Hello, What happens if another exception occurs while you are inside recovery mode (between Recover-Resume)? Can an outer page catch this exception and is it logical to design a block structure for this exception? If a new exception is thrown does it replace the older one by overwriting exception detail and type?

This is a scenario to be avoided at all costs, as any subsequent exception handling will probably not manage the new exception and there is every chance your process will fail. My advice is always to do a little as possible in recovery mode, and get past Resume as soon as you can. If you need to do anything beyond extracting the exception detail or updating the work queue, then do it after the Resume. That way the original exception is neutralised and any coming after that are treated as 'new' exceptions. The mantra is to make sure you can only have 1 'live' exception at any one time.