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Filter date after 3 days from current dates.

Level 6
Hi Experts,

I have one collection with column name "CRD = Customer Request Date" where dates are start from year 2019, 2020,2021 ( include all months and dates).

Now my requirement is I need to filter out 2019, and 2020 (From month Jan to Oct). My data range will start from after 3 days from current days dynamically. Today is 29th so the column will be filter 2nd November. Tomorrow is 30th ,my filter will start from 3rd November and so on.

Can anybody help me  on this case. Please help me with process in details.

Asitabha Deb

Level 9
Hi Asitabha,

Please use "Collection Manipulation" VBO to achieve this functionality. Select "Filter Collection" action and pass the input collection and Filter condition as "[CRD] >'" & AddDays(Today(), 3) & "'" and it should serve your purpose. Please let me know if it doesn't work. Attaching screenshot for your reference

Ritansh Jatwani

HI Ritansh,

Thanks for your help but still I can see some back dates data showing in CRD column.
Today is 31st , so my collection will filter from 3rd Nov and rest future dates and year.

Asitabha Deb

Replace the single quotes with pound signs:
"[CRD] >#" & AddDays(Today(), 3) & "#"

The single quotes are telling it to treat it as a string, so it's doing a textual filter. Using a # will ​cause it to treat it as a datetime and will filter correctly.

Nicholas Zejdlik
RPA Developer