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First Ever BluePrism Practitioner Summit-Maximizing RPA(Digital Workforce with flavour of DX & AI

Level 2
#First Ever BluePrism Practitioner Summit​
BluePrism Community Team organised practitioner summit @pune on 17th Oct which was really awesome, The participation, enthusiasm in each and every expert present for the event was really commendable. Event highlights various terms and emerging technologies in BluePrism RPA-Most Successful digital workforce. Session was about creating webservice, API, Digital Exchange, best practices, BluePrism University and many more things which will definately help us.Digital Exchange was the showstopper for the event as its an amazing platform where we can reuse usecases,download,upload across the globe and it comes up with reusability which is of course motive of RPA. Great knowledge transfer event, interactive & interesting session with package of competitions, surprises and prizes. Kudos to the experts from BluePrism team and thanks for organising such events which really encourage people to be part of RPA community.Proud to be part of BluePrism community. Looking foward to attend such great event again soon.

Saylee Kadhane
RPA Developer (BP)