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Getting the most from Pools

Level 2
I have 40 processes that run each day. The processes aren't linked, processes 2 is not dependent on output from process 1 for example. I want them all to run as early as possible from 10 am. I currently have a pool of 4 bots. If I create a schedule, with all 40 processes, to start at 10am,  the schedule runs all processes on the same bot one after the other. 3 bots are idle. I could create 4 schedules with 10 processes each, but the processes aren't all of equal time and depending on the length of the process some bots would be idle while others still have some tasks to complete. Is there functionality within BP to have a bot within a pool pick up the next process? so for example have one schedule with 40 items and have the next process in the schedule assigned to the first available bot?

Level 6
Definitely going to be a bit of work but you can probably accomplish with the below:   with command line you can call a process to run against a pool.  You could create a separate ""Meta robot"" that at 10AM adds all 40 processes to a queue.  It would then call each process via the command line against the pool.  You would then close that queue item if it ran successfully.  Using the database to check the sessions/resource status could also prove to be useful.